Jabalah | Daughter of Musafh; she was a narrator of hadith |
Jabeen | Forehead |
Jabrayah | Love, respect |
Jahaan | Land |
Jahan | Land |
Jahan Aara | Adornment of the world |
Jahan Khatoon | She was a Persian poet |
Jahanara | To flower, to live |
Jahdamah | She was a female companion of the Prophet (S.A.W) |
Jahida | Helps the vulnarable |
Jahmyyllah | Beautiful one |
Jaiyana | Strength |
Jalilah | Splendid |
Jameela | Beautiful |
Jameelah | Beautiful |
Jameena | Progressive, productive |
Jamia | Beautiful |
Jamila | Beautiful, Graceful, Lovely |
Jamilah | Beautiful, graceful |
Jammana | Pearl |
Jana | Products (Fruits) of Paradise - In Surah Al-Rahman |
Janan | Heart, Soul |
Jannah | Heaven, paradise |
Jannat | Heaven |
Jaseena | Nice Heart |
Jasmin | Flower |
Jasmina | Flower |
Jasrah | She was a narrator of Hadith |
Javairea | Mysterious |
Jawahir | Precious stones, jewels |
Jawharah | Jewel, gem |
Jaza | Reward, compensation |
Jazeera | Island |
Jazira | Island |
Jaziya | Granting |
Jehaan | Creative mind |
Jehan | Beautiful Flower |
Jemimah | Beautiful |
Jenna | Heaven, Paradise |
Jennah | Paradise |
Jessenia | Flower |
Jian | Life |
Jihan | Heavenly Place |
Judamah | She was the daughter of Wahb; she was a companion and a narrator of Hadith |
Jumaana | Silver Pearl |
Jumaymah | Name of a female companion |
Jumaynah | Gem, name of a female companion |
Junainah | Garden of paradise |
Junnut | Heaven |
Juwariyah | She was the wife of the Prophet (S.A.W) |