Aabha | Glow |
Aabharana | Jewel |
Aadab | Hope and need |
Aadarshini | Idealistic |
Aadhila | Honesty |
Aadhya | First power |
Aadishri | |
Aadita | From the beginning |
Aaditi | |
Aaditri | Godess laxmi |
Aadrika | Mountain |
Aadvika | Unique |
Aadya | One of the names of goddess durga |
Aafiyah | Healthy, |
Aaghnya | Born from fire, goddess lakshmi |
Aahana | First rise of sun |
Aahladita | Bubbling with delight |
Aahna | Exist |
Aakanksha | Desire, wish |
Aakarshika | Having attractive power |
Aakashi | Sky colour |
Aakriti | Shape |
Aakruthi | Shape |
Aakshaya | The seventh day of luner month which which happens to fall on a sunday or monday |
Aalia | Exalted, highest social standing |
Aaliya | High, tall, towering, excellent |
Aaloka | The capital of kuvera |
Aalta | Lac dye |
Aamaal | Hopes, aspirations |
Aamani | Spring season (vasanth ritu) |
Aamaya | Night rain |
Aamina bee | Blessed |
Aamuktha | |
Aanal | Fire |
Aanandita | Joyful; |
Aanchal | Shelter |
Aangi | Decorating the god |
Aanshi | God\'s gift |
Aanya | Gracious |
Aaoka | Lustrous |
Aapeksha | Passion, being passionate |
Aapti | Fulfillment |
Aarabhi | Karnatic musical (raaga )famous note |
Aaradhana | Worship |
Aarani | Its a city in tamil nadu that\'s well known for sarees. |
Aarashi | First ray of sun |
Aaratrika | Dusk lamp beneath \'tulsi\' plant,arati |
Aaravi | Peace |
Aarchi | Ray of light |
Aarif | Acquainted, knowledgeable |
Aarin | Mountain strenght |
Aarini | Adventurous |
Aaritra | Navigator |
Aarna | Goddess laxmi |
Aarohi | A music tune |
Aarthi | Way of offering prayer to god |
Aarti | Form of worship |
Aaruna | Sun; the one with aruna as his charioteer |
Aarusha | First rays of the morning sun |
Aarushi | First ray of the sun. |
Aarvi | Peace |
Aarya | |
Aaryaa | A noble lady |
Aasha | |
Aasha latha | Creeper of hope |
Aashalata | Creeper of hope |
Aashi | Smile |
Aashika | Lovable |
Aashiyana | Beautiful home |
Aashna | Beloved, Devoted to love |
Aashni | Lightning |
Aashrita | Goddess laxmi |
Aashritha | Somebody who gives shelter |
Aashtha | Faith |
Aasia | |
Aastha | Faith |
Aasthika | Faith |
Aathmika | Related to aathma or soul |
Aatmaja | Daughter of the soul, daughter |
Aatrayi | River |
Aavani | First month of tamil calendar |
Aavihshka | Altruism, advantage,virtue,accord, heart, warm and loving. |
Aayana | The mirror |
Aayaushi | Long life |
Aayushi | One with long life |
Aazmin | A star |
Abanti | Ujjain |
Abarna | God bharvathy |
Abeedha | Permanent |
Abha | Lustre, shine |
Abhati | Splendor, Light |
Abhaya | Fearless |
Abheera | A cowherd |
Abheesha | Goddess of will |
Abhidha | Literal meaning |
Abhidhya | Wish, longing |
Abhigjna | Wisdom |
Abhigna | Knowledgeable |
Abhignya | Wise one |
Abhijata | Well born (woman) |
Abhijita | Victorious woman |
Abhijna | Remembrance, recollection |
Abhikanksha | Longing for, desire. |
Abhilaasa | |
Abhilasa | Desire, wish |
Abhilasha | Desire |
Abhinaya | Expressions |
Abhinithi | That which is already been performed, friendship |
Abhiprithi | Full of love |
Abhipsha | Desire, wish |
Abhira | A cowherd |
Abhirami | Goddess parvati, goddess lakshmi |
Abhirathi | Pleasure |
Abhiri | A raagini of indian music |
Abhirupa | Beautiful |
Abhisarika | Beloved |
Abhisri | Surrounded by glory, Shining, Powerful |
Abhitha | Fearless, Goddess Parvati |
Abhithi | Fearlessness |
Abirami | Goddess Laxmi |
Abishta | Lady of the house |
Abja | Born in water |
Aboil | Name of a flower |
Aboli | Name of a flower |
Achala | Constant |
Achira | Short |
Achit | |
Achla | Earth, Stable |
Acira | Brief, Swift, Fast |
Adarsha | Ideal |
Adhira | Lightning |
Adhishree | Exalted |
Adi-Shakti | Goddess Durga |
Adishree | Exalted |
Aditha | First root |
Adithi | Freedom, Safety, Abundance |
Aditi | Mother of gods |
Aditri | Highest honor, Goddess Laxmi |
Adrija | Of the mountain, Goddess Parvati |
Adrika | Celestial |
Adrisa | Mountain lord |
Advika | Unique |
Adwita | Unique |
Adwiteya | Unique |
Adwitiya | Matchless |
Adya | First, Unparalleled |
Aesha | Love |
Agalya | |
Agamya | Knowledge, Wisdom |
Agasti | Name of a sage |
Aghanashini | Destroyer of sin |
Agnishikha | Flames of fire |
Agrata | Leadership |
Agrima | Leadership |
Ahalya | Rishi Gautam's wife, Women rescued by lord Rama |
Ahilya | Maiden |
Ahimsa | Non violent virtue |
Ahladajanani | |
Ahladita | Happy mood |
Ahladitha | Delighted |
Aishani | Goddess Durga |
Aishi | God's gift |
Aishwarya | Wealth |
Aisiri | Wealth |
Aja | One who is self existent |
Ajaa | Shakti |
Ajagandha | Daughter of Aja |
Ajala | The earth |
Ajanta | Eternal fame; a famous buddist cave |
Ajastha | |
Ajeenkya | Supreme, one who cannot be defeated |
Ajeeta | Invincible, unconquerable, a winner |
Ajeitha | A winner |
Ajeya | Unconquerable |
Ajita | Winner |
Akalka | Free from impurity; moonlight; pure |
Akane | Someone you cannot stop loving |
Akanksha | Desire, Wish |
Akashleena | Star |
Akharnitha | Beautiful flower |
Akhi | Eye |
Akhila | Complete |
Akila | The earth |
Akriti | Shape |
Akshadha | God's blessings |
Akshara | Letters |
Akshata | Rice |
Akshaya | Indestructible |
Akshda | Tandul |
Akshi | Existence |
Akshita | Seen |
Aksithi | Imperishability |
Akula | Goddess parvati |
Akuti | Princess |
Alaina | Dear child |
Alaka | Girl with a lovely Hair, Beauty |
Alakananda | River |
Alaknanda | A river in Himalayas |
Alankrita | Decorated |
Alda | Rich |
Aleina | Light |
Alekhya | A picture or a painting |
Aleya | Sunshine,mirrage |
Ali | Bee |
Alisha | Protected by god |
Aliveni | Golden doll |
Alka | Girl with a lovely Hair, Beauty |
Aloki | Brightness |
Alopa | Faultless |
Alpa | Little |
Alpana | A decorative design |
Alpita | |
Amala | Calm and quiet; the pure one |
Amaldeepti | Camphor |
Amani | Spring season (vasanth ritu) |
Amara | Grass, Immortal |
Amari | Eternal |
Amarta | Immortality |
Amaya | |
Amba | Goddess Durga |
Ambalika | Mother, One who is sensitive |
Amberley | Sky |
Ambika | Goddess Parvati |
Ambu | Water |
Ambuda | Cloud |
Ambuja | Born from lotus, Goddess Laxmi |
Ami | Nectar |
Amidi | |
Amisha | Beautiful |
Amishi | Pure |
Amishta | |
Amita | Limitless |
Amithi | Immeasurable |
Amiti | Boundless |
Amitjyoti | Limitless brightness |
Amla | Pure |
Amlika | Tamarind |
Amoda | Happiness |
Amodini | Happy |
Amogha | |
Amolika | Priceless, Valuable |
Amoolya | Precious |
Amrapali | Famous courtesan who became a devotee of lord Buddha |
Amrita | Immortality |
Amritkala | Nectarine art |
Amrusha | Sudden |
Amrutha | |
Amshula | Sunny |
Amukta | One that can't be touched, Precious |
Amvi | A goddess |
Ana | Playful, Wanted |
Anagha | Sinless |
Anagi | Valuable |
Anahita | Graceful |
Anala | Goddess of fire |
Anamika | Ring finger |
Ananda | Joy, Happiness |
Anandalakshmi | Goddess of happiness |
Anandamaye | Joy permeated |
Anandamayi | Full of Joy |
Anandani | Joyful |
Anandhi | |
Anandi | Always happy |
Anandini | Joyful |
Anandita | Happy |
Anandmayee | Full of happiness |
Anangee | Cupid's Consort |
Ananta | Infinite |
Anantha | Endless, Eternal |
Ananti | Gift |
Anantya | Endless, Eternal |
Ananya | Matchless |
Anara | |
Anarghya | Priceless, Valuable |
Anasuya | Without spite or envy |
Anathi | Modest, Respectful |
Anavi | Kind to people |
Anaya | |
Anayna | |
Anchal | Decorative end of a sari |
Anchala | One end of sari which is free |
Anchita | Honored, Worshipped |
Aneesha | |
Aneet | |
Anemone | Type of flower |
Angaja | Daughter of Aja |
Angana | Beautiful woman |
Angarika | Flame colored flower, Flame of the forest |
Angel | Shine of glory |
Angha | Beauty |
Angira | Mother of Birhaspati |
Anglina | |
Angoori | Grape like |
Anhithi | Gift, Donation |
Ania | Grace |
Aniha | Indifferent |
Anika | Goddess Durga |
Anilaja | |
Anima | Small |
Anindita | Beautiful |
Aninditha | Virtuous, Venerated |
Anisha | Continuous |
Anishka | One who has only friends and no enemies |
Anita | Grace |
Aniya | Creative |
Anjali | Homage |
Anjalika | One of Arjuna's arrows |
Anjana | Mother of lord Hanuman |
Anjani | Mother of lord Hanuman, illusion |
Anjika | Blessed |
Anjini | Mother of lord Hanuman |
Anju | One who lives in heart |
Anjushri | Dear to one's heart |
Ankita | Conquered, Signet, Symbol |
Ankitha | Auspicious marks |
Ankolika | Embrace |
Annada | Goddess Durga |
Annapoorna | Goddess of grains |
Annapurna | Goddess durga |
Annika | Goddess Durga |
Annisa | Friendly |
Annjaya | |
Anokhi | Unique |
Anouka | Spirit of god |
Ansha | Portion |
Anshi | God's gift |
Anshika | Minute particle |
Anshita | A part of |
Anshula | Sunny |
Anshumala | Garland of rays |
Anshumali | Sun |
Ansuya | Learned woman |
Antara | The second note in hindustani classical music |
Antariksha | Space, Sky |
Antini | Living in a hermitage |
Anubhuti | Experience |
Anudeepthi | Divine light |
Anuga | Companion |
Anugraha | Divine blessing |
Anuhya | Beyond ones expectations; little sister |
Anuja | Younger sister |
Anukampa | God's grace |
Anukeertana | Praising god's virtues |
Anukriti | Photograph |
Anula | Non wild, Gentle, Cultured |
Anulata | One with very slim figure |
Anulekha | One who can copy/one who follows destiny |
Anuloma | Sequence |
Anumati | Consent |
Anumegha | Following the rain |
Anumeha | After the rain |
Anumita | Love and kindness |
Anunitha | Courtesy |
Anupa | Pond |
Anupama | Beautiful |
Anuprabha | Brightness |
Anupriya | Beloved |
Anuradha | Star |
Anuragini | Beloved |
Anuranjana | Act of pleasing or satisfying |
Anuranjita | Delighted |
Anurati | Love |
Anurupa | Suitable |
Anusha | Beautiful morning, Star |
Anushka | Term of endearment |
Anushri | Pretty |
Anusri | Glorious, Famous |
Anusuya | Non-jealous |
Anusuya; anasuya; anasooya | Friend of shakuntala |
Anuttara | Unanswered |
Anuva | Knowledge |
Anvi | One of Devi's names |
Anvika | |
Anvita | One who bridges the gap |
Anwesha | Quest |
Anwita | Goddess Durga |
Anya | Inexhaustible |
Anyesha | Enquiry |
Aolani | Cloud from heaven |
Apala | Most beautiful |
Apara | Materialistic knowledge |
Aparaijita | Undefeated; name of a flower |
Aparajita | Unconquerable |
Aparijita | Undefeated, Name of a flower |
Aparna | Goddess durga |
Aparoopa | Extremely beautiful |
Aparupa | Phenomenal |
Apeksha | Expected |
Apinaya | Expressions in dance |
Apsara | Celestial maiden |
Apurba | Never seen before |
Apurva | Like never before |
Araceli | Gate of heaven |
Aradhana | Worship |
Arathi | |
Arati | Worship |
Archa | Worship |
Archana | Worship |
Archie | |
Archini | Ray of light |
Archisha | Ray of light |
Archita | One who is worshipped |
Ardra | The 6 th nakshatra |
Arianna | Holy |
Arij | Sweet smell |
Ariktha | Fulfilled |
Ariona | Bringer of life |
Arisha | |
Arja | Divine |
Arjama | Sun |
Arjuni | Dawn, White cow |
Arkita | Plentiful |
Armita | Desire |
Arni | Sun |
Arogyada | Granter of good health |
Arohi | Music tune |
Arpana | Surrendered |
Arpita | A dedication |
Arshia | Heavenly |
Arshitha | |
Arshiya | Heavenly |
Artana | Vanquisher of all foes |
Arti | |
Aruna | Dawn |
Arundhathi | Fidelity |
Arundhati | Star |
Arundhuti | Star |
Arunima | Pink shade |
Arushi | Dawn, Red sky in the early morning, First ray of Sun |
Aruvi | |
Aryahi | Goddess Durga |
Aryama | Sun |
Aryana | Noble |
Asavari | Name of a raga or melody |
Aseema | Limitless |
Asgari | Devotee |
Asha | Hope |
Ashakiran | Ray of hope |
Ashalata | Creeper of hope |
Ashani | Lightening |
Ashavari | Name of a raaga |
Ashika | One without sorrow, Mercury |
Ashima | |
Ashiqa | |
Ashira | Wealthy |
Ashita | River Yamuna |
Ashlesha | Star |
Ashley | Ash wood |
Ashmi | |
Ashmita | Rock born, Very hard and strong |
Ashna | Friend |
Ashoka | Without grief |
Ashrita | |
Ashritha | Dependant |
Ashwabha | Lightening |
Ashwina | Child of the star |
Asita | River Yamuna |
Askini | Daughter of prajapati Virat |
Aslesha | Star |
Asmita | Pride |
Astha | Faith |
Asvika | Little mare |
Aswani | |
Aswathi | |
Asya | Grace |
Atasi | Blue flower |
Athalia | God is exalted |
Athasha | |
Atheeva | Ultimate |
Atiriya | Beloved, Dear |
Atmaja | Daughter of soul |
Atmikha | Light of god |
Atreyi | Name of a river |
Atula | Incomparable |
Auhna | Passion |
Avani | Earth |
Avanija | Goddess Parvati |
Avanti | Ancient Malwa, Ujjain |
Avantika | City of Ujjain |
Avapya | Achieving |
Avasa | Independent |
Avedna | |
Avigna | |
Avika | |
Avinashika | Indestructible |
Avipsa | |
Avishi | Earth, River |
Avni | Earth |
Avnita | Earth |
Avreen | |
Ayanna | Innocent |
Ayati | Royal |
Ayurda | Bestower of longevity |
Ayushi | Long lived |
Ayushmati | One who has a long life |