Islamic Boy Names Starting with “A”

A  B  C  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

AabanName of the Angel
AadilJust, Upright
AaleeSublime, high
AalimReligious Scholar
AamilDoer, Work man
AarifKnowing, aware
AarizRespectable man
AaryanOf Utmost strength
AashifBold, courageous
AasifAn able minister
AasimPerson who keeps away from sins
AatifKind Affectionate
AausName of a tree
AayanGod's gift
AbaanOld Arabic name
AbbasGloomy look
Abd Al-AlaSlave of the High
Abdul AaleeServant of the Most High
Abdul AdlSlave of the just
Abdul AfuwSlave of the one who pardons
Abdul AhadSlave of he who is one (Allah)
Abdul AleemServant of the Omniscient
Abdul AliSlave of the High one
Abdul AlimSlave of the All knowing
Abdul AwwalSlave of the First One
Abdul AzeezThe servant of the most powerful
Abdul AzimSlave of the great
Abdul AzizServant of the powerful one
Abdul BaariServant of the Creator
Abdul BaasitServant of the Extender and Creator
Abdul BadeeSlave of the originator
Abdul BaithSlave of the one who raises death
Abdul BaqiSlave of the Eternal
Abdul BariSlave of the creator
Abdul BaseerSlave of the All-seeing
Abdul BatinSlave of the unseen
Abdul FattahSlave of the opener, slave of the giver of victory
Abdul GhafaarServant of the Forgiver
Abdul GhafoorServant of the Forgiver
Abdul HafeezSlave of the Protector
Abdul HafizSlave of the Guardian
Abdul HakamServant of the Arbitrator
Abdul HakeemServant of the Wise
Abdul HaleemServant of the Mild and Patient
Abdul HalimSlave of the Wise
Abdul HameedServant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised
Abdul HamidSlave of the Praiseworthy
Abdul HannanSlave of the Merciful
Abdul HaqServant of the Truth
Abdul HaseebServant of the Respected and Esteemed
Abdul HasibSlave of the Reckoner
Abdul HayySlave of the Living
Abdul JabaarServant of the Mighty
Abdul JaleelServant of the Great and Revered
Abdul JawwadSlave of the Bountiful
Abdul KabirSlave of the Great
Abdul KareemServant of the Noble and Generous
Abdul KarimSlave of the Gracious
Abdul KhabirSlave of the one who is aware
Abdul LateefServant of the Kind
Abdul MaajidSlave of the Excellence
Abdul MaalikSlave of the Master, the Lord
Abdul MajeedServant of the Glorious
Abdul ManiSlave of one who prevents
Abdul MannanSlave of the Benefactor
Abdul MateenSlave of the Firm
Abdul MubdeeSlave of the Originator
Abdul MueedSlave of the Restorer, the Reproducer
Abdul MuhaiminServant of the Supervising, the Guardian and the Protector
Abdul MuhayminSlave of the Protector
Abdul MuhsinSlave of the Benefactor
Abdul MuhyeeSlave of the one who gives life and sustains it
Abdul MuizServant of the Giver of Might and Glory
Abdul MujeebServant of the Responder
Abdul MunimSlave of the Generous
Abdul MuntaqimSlave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution
Abdul MuqeetSlave of the Sustainer
Abdul MuqsitSlave of the Just
Abdul MusawwirSlave of the Fashioner
Abdul MutaalServant of the Most High
Abdul MutiSlave of the Giver
Abdul MuzanniHe was a narrator of Hadith
Abdul NafiSlave of the Propitious
Abdul NaseerSlave of the Helper
Abdul NoorSlave of the one who is Light
Abdul QaadirServant of the Capable
Abdul QadeerSlave of the Powerful
Abdul QadirSlave of the Powerful
Abdul QahaarServant of the Subduer and the Almighty
Abdul QayyumSlave of the Self-Subsistent
Abdul QudoosServant of the Most Holy
Abdul RaafiServant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One who Elevates
Abdul RabbSlave of the Lord
Abdul RafiSlave of the Exalter
Abdul RaheemServant of the Most Compassionate
Abdul RahimSlave of the Compassionate
Abdul RahmanServant of the merciful one
Abdul RaqibSlave of the Vigilant
Abdul RaufServant of the merciful
Abdul TawwabSlave of the Acceptor of repentance, the relenting
Abdul WaaliSlave of the Governor
Abdul WahidSlave of the Unique
Abdul WajidSlave of the Finder, the Perceiver
Abdul WakilSlave of the Trustee
Abdul WaliySlave of the Protecting Friend
Abdul WasiSlave of the All Embracing
Abdul-AaleeServant of the Most High
Abdul-AdheemServant of the Most Great
Abdul-AleemServant of the All-Knowing
Abdul-BaaqiServant of the Everlasting
Abdul-BaariServant of the Evolver
Abdul-BaasitServant of the Expander
Abdul-BarrServant of the source of Goodness
Abdul-DhahirServant of the Manifest
Abdul-GhaffarServant of the forgiver
Abdul-GhafurServant of the All-Forgiving
Abdul-GhaniServant of the Self-Sufficient
Abdul-HadiServant of the Guide
Abdul-HafeedhServant of the Preserver
Abdul-HakeemServant of the Wise
Abdul-HaleemServant of the Forbearing One
Abdul-HameedServant of the Praiseworthy
Abdul-HaqqServant of the Truth
Abdul-HaseebServant of the Reckoner
Abdul-JabbarServant of the Compeller
Abdul-JaleelServant of the Sublime One
Abdul-KareemServant of the Most Generous
Abdul-KhaliqServant of the Creator
Abdul-LateefServant of the Subtle One
Abdul-MajeedServant of the Most Glorious
Abdul-MajidServant of the Noble
Abdul-MalikServant of the Sovereign Lord
Abdul-Mu'eidServant of the Restorer
Abdul-Mu'izzServant of the Honourer
Abdul-MughniServant of the Enricher
Abdul-MujeebServant of the Responsive
Abdul-MuminServant of the Guardian of Faith
Abdul-MuqtadirServant of the Powerful
Abdul-Muta'aleeServant of the Most Exalted
Abdul-NurServant of the Light
Abdul-QaadirServant of the Able
Abdul-QahharServant of the Subduer
Abdul-QaiyoumServant of the Self-Sustaining
Abdul-QuddusServant of the Holy
Abdul-RasheedServant of the rightly guided
Abdul-RashidServant of the rightly guided
Abdul-WaajidServant of the Finder
Abdul-WadoodServant of the Loving
Abdul-WahhabServant of the Bestower
Abdul-WarithServant of the Supreme Inheritor
AbdullahServant of Allah
Abdur RahmanSlave of Allah
Abdur RashidSlave of the Guide
Abdur RazzaqSlave of the provider;
Abdur-RaheemServant of the Most Merciful
Abdur-RahmanServant of the Most Gracious
Abdur-RaqeebServant of the Watchful
Abdur-RasheedServant of the Guide to Right Path
Abdur-RaufServant of the Compassionate
Abdur-RazzaqServant of the Provider
AbdusName of the narrator of one of the hadith
Abdus SaburSlave of the Forbearing
Abdus SalaamSlave of the Giver of Peace
Abdus SamadSlave of the Eternal, The Independent
Abdus SamiSlave of the All Hearing
Abdus SattarSlave of the one who conceals faults
Abdus ShafiSlave of the Healer
Abdus SubboohSlave of the Extremely pure
Abdus-SabourServant of the Patient
Abdus-SalaamServant of the Source of Peace
Abdus-SamadServant of the Eternal
Abdus-SameeiServant of the All-Hearing
Abdus-ShaheedServant of the Witness
Abdus-ShakurServant of the Appreciative
Abdush ShahidSlave of the Witness
AbisaliWarrior in Islam
AbradHail, Mail
AbrashSpotted, Speckled
AbsiProbably from ABASA to frown; this was the name of Abdullah ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829
Abt'hiOne who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah
Abul-HassanThe Son Of Ali
AbyadA narrator of hadith was so named
AbzariSeeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name
AdamA Prophet's Name
AdawiGrandson of Sayyindina Umer
Adbul-QawiServant of the Most Powerful
AdeebA literary Person
AdelHonourable Judge, One who jugdes Fairly
AdheemThe most great
AdilJust, Honest
AdiyA companion of the Prophet; also the name of the son of Hatim Tiay known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name
AdnanA tribal ancestor of the Quraysh, the Prophet (S.A.W) was from this tribe; there were other noted men too later in history who had this name; for instance, word bin Hakim, a scholar of Basrah
Aduz ZahirSlave of the Manifest
AdyanA nabee was named by this name
AfaaqThe place where Earth & Sky meet
AfeefPure, Chaste, Pious
AffanForgiving person
AfifChaste, Modest
AflahGaining success-but the Prophet (S.A.W) has discouraged us from giving such names to our children; according to Sayyidina Jab (R.A), The Prophet (S.A.W) intended to forbid such names as Yala, Barakah,
AfrazStanding tall like a mountain, ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it
AfruzStanding tall like a mountain, ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it
AftaabBright, prosperous, the sun
AfzalBest, top most
AgharrHandsome, beautiful, distinguished illustrious, noble, Magnanimous. Name of a companion of the Prophet, bin al-Muzan
AhadThe one
AhmadMost highly adored
AhmarRed Coloured
AhnafName of one of the narrators of hadith
AhsanThe best of all
AhwasHaving narrow, contracted or squinting eyes
AhyanGift of God
AhzabName of one of the narrators of Hadith
AidanHelp, intelligent
AidhName of a reciter of the Holy Quran
AjlahA narrator of hadith had this name
AkdasMost holy book
AkhasA narrator of hadith
AkhdanBest Friend
AkhfashThere have been several men of this name; there were Grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century
AkhtarA Star, good man
AkifAttached, Intent
AkramMore Generous
Al hakeemThe Wise
Al-KareemEducator, teacher
AliNoble, sublime, fourth Caliph of Islam
AlmanKind, willing and wise man
AltamashName of a famous king
AmaanThe most loveable
AmaarOne who prays 5 times and fasts
AmamSafety, Protection
AmeerCommander, Prince, Khalifah
AminFaithful, trustworthy, custodian
AmjadMore glorious, more illustrious
AmmaarOne with strong Imaan. Also a Sahabi , one of the early muslims, son of Yasir and Sumaya Rad
AmmarLong of age
Amr"By my life"
AnasLove, affection
AnasahThe freed slave of the Prophet had this name
AneesIntimate, friendly
AnisClose friend, companion
AnsarThe first people who converted to the religion of Islam were the people of Ansar
AntarahThis was the name of the freed slave of Sulaym
AnwaarLight, glow, gleam
AnwarMore radiant
AnzarAngel of paradise
AqdasHoly, pure
AqeelWise, Intelligent
ArbabWho looks after someone or takes care
AreebSkilful, Adroit
ArifAcquainted, knowledgeable
ArishA brave soldier
ArmaanDesire, hope
ArmanArmy man
ArqamPen, Speckled snake;
ArsalThe one who was sent
ArshDominion , Crown
ArshadBetter guided, honest
ArshaqHandsome, well proportioned
ArtahA narrator of the hadith
AryanOf utmost strength
AsarFourth Prayer of the day
AsbaghColoured animal, huge flood, dyer
AsbatA narrator of hadith
AseedA narrator of Hadith
AsfarThe morning's light
AsgharShorter, Smaller, Junior
Asha'athScattered, Spread about, humble
AsharOne who has wisdom
AshazOne in a million, name of a sahabi during the time of prophet
AsherWise, knowledgeable
AshfaqCompassionate friend
AshikLover, Love
AshmathCorrect path, Straight path
AsrarSecret/Sacred relating to Islam
AtaGift, Present
AtaubaqHandsome, beautiful, helpful, generous and got a lot of love to share
AteebVery pious
AtharNeat, Clean
AthazazUnknown, Mystery, Maze
AthierLion hearted
AtifUnited, Joined, Together
AtikThe black cloth of the Qaaba
AtiqAncient, Noble
AwadReward, Compensation
AwfGuest, fragrance, lion;
AwnTo help, assist
AwsTo give
AyaanGod's gift
AyazA sincere slave of Mahmoud the king once upon a time
AybakIbn-Aybak was a leading historian
AydinBrilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moon
AymanRight Hand
AyubA prophet of Allah (swt)
AyyashBread seller
AyyubAyyub was a Prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship. There have been other noted men by this name, for instance Ibn Tamim was a reciter of the Quran, Al-Sakhtiyani
AzaanCall for the prayer
AzeemGreat, greater
AzmatRespect, honour
AzraqBlue, name of a companion of the Prophet
AzraqiHe was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah
AzzamDetermined, resolved